Babysitting Tips - for both parents and babysitters
Responsibilities of those who employ babysitters
- Choose a sitter who is sufficiently mature and dependable to handle the job.
- Make arrangements as to payment.
- Be home when they say they will.
- Provide instructions (important instructions and phone numbers should be written down).
- Safely return the sitter home.
- Come home if needed by the sitter.
- Do not leave a sick child with a sitter.
- Provide information: first aid kit, allergies, rules, etc.
- Show baby-sitter the home, pets, children.
- Show location of necessary items: food, appliances, etc.
- Provide food if gone over mealtime.
- Warn sitter regarding any specific safety or health concerns
about the home or child.
Responsibility of babysitter
- Get all necessary information and instructions for caring for the children.
- Have phone numbers (emergency and where parents are) in writing.
- Be on time (or a little early).
- Have a snack only if the parents say you may (unless you bring your own).
- Clean up after any snacks, meals or play.
- Avoid tying up the phone.
- Never go to sleep - even if the parents say it is okay (unless you are baby-sitting overnight).
- Do not have friends in the home unless the parents have given you permission.
- Never leave the children alone in the home - even for a few minutes. Do not leave if the
parents are late.
- Never leave a friend or one of the children in charge so you can leave.
- Do not pry into personal belongings. Respect personal property.
- A toddler should not be out of your sight (unless he is asleep) Check on children regularly
while they are playing or sleeping.
- Write down all phone messages.
- Dont open the door to strangers.
- Take care of the physical needs of the children (changing diapers, feeding, etc.)
- Notify the parents as soon as you can if you are unable to come for some reason. (Make
sure you have taken their phone number when they ask you to baby-sit.) Try to help them
find a replacement.
- Do not baby-sit if you are not feeling well.
- Know about safety in the home and first aid.
Resource: Family Studies Program. Provided by Oxford Community Child Care
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